
Complacency & Carbo-Loading

The day before the marathon was exciting. I went to the Javitz where the running expo was being held for runners to pick up their race bibs and goodies.
The asics booth had this great idea for runners to say goodbye to something in their lives... Your picture would be taken and then posted on a billboard in Times Square. It would read, "Hello New York, Goodbye (fill in the blank)...
I chose the word 'Complacency' and of course it was spelled wrong. well, it didn't fit... haha!
For dinner, my boyfriend and I purchased tickets for the big pasta dinner @ Tavern on the Green, which I had never been to. It was like a gawdy Alice in Wonderland prom theme meets a runners convention.
Nonetheless, the food was great and that's my "happy for food" smile to prove it!

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